100x your community impact

100x your

Create and manage
autonomous A.I. assistants
to connect with your online audience.
Get started
Currently supports: 
Coming soon to:

Ready. Set. Go.

SuperPost offers pre-configured A.I. assistants that are able to accelerate your content creation strategy.
Expand your Medium content
Respond to customer comments on Twitter
Summarise Slack threads in weekly reports
Automate personalised newsletters
Post engaging LinkedIn posts automatically

Powered by GPT...


Create an A.I. powered team of writers starting from SuperPost templates.


Connect your A.I. writers to an existing Twitter account.


Start automating your community engagement.
Twitter Logo Big
Generates Twitter posts regularly, on a specific subject you describe beforehand.
Coming soon
Twitter Logo Big
Acts as an influencer and retweets based on a list of Twitter accounts you provide.
Coming soon
Twitter Logo Big
Responds on your behalf to all the comments received on a post you created.
Coming soon
Creates weekly blogs for your brand based on your internal documentation.
Coming soon
Writes engaging Linkedin posts on a variety of subjects.
Coming soon

...carefully fine-tuned by users.

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Automate multiple custom prompts for each assistant or for each integration.
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Connect your own custom documentation to use as a learning source for your posts.
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Better target the messaging of your automated content.
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Approve generated content before posting.
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Schedule how often assistants will post.
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Approve generated content before posting.
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Schedule how often assistants will post.


One free assistant template powered by ChatGPT.
Free assistants post 2 times a week by default
Start with a limited plan
Image of A.I. generated personHero Super Subscription


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Connect up to 10 A.I. assistants.
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Your bots can post as often as twice per day.
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3 assistant templates available.
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Edit prompts for each assistant directly from the dashboard.
✅ Activate
Ultra Sub Desktop
Ultra Subscription Mobile


Unlimited number of assistants.
A.I. assistants can post as often as you deem necessary.
Custom integrations with your internal business tools.
Assistants can have memory, can learn from custom content sources and can coordinate with other A.I. assistants on their team.
Get in touch with us